FAP Fact Fridays
The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) team will host informal information sessions on the first Friday of each month beginning in September and running through February! Anyone is welcome to stop by the FAP Office, 7131 Richardson Circle, Building 36, from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. to learn about the topic of the month, receive FAP materials and ask questions in a private setting.
March 1: Victim Advocacy/Reporting Options
April 5: New Parent Support Program/First Steps: Purple Crying
May 3: Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth Program
June 7: Child Supervision Guidelines
August 2: Community Resources
September 6: Money & Relationships: How to Make It Work
October 4: New Parent Support: Safe Sleep
November 1: Celebrate Military Family Appreciation
December 6: Holiday Stress Management
For more information, please contact the Family Advocacy Program at +1 (706) 545-3202 .
Reconsideration Request Instructions
An alleged abuser, victim, or a parent on behalf of a child victim may request reconsideration in writing to the IDC chair, through the Family Advocacy Program manager (FAPM) within 30 calendar days of notification of the outcome of their case at the incident determination committee (IDC).
It is imperative requestors follow the step-by-step process established on HQDA EXORD 156-21 (FRAGO 1) Annex F, Coordinating Instructions IDC Reconsiderations 27 May 2022 to submit their reconsideration request. This structured approach offers a standardized way to request a review of IDC cases.
Before seeking a reconsideration, it is essential requestors fully comprehend the aspects of the investigation’s findings and decision tree algorithm (DTA) by consulting their FAP-C case manager. The request for reconsideration must be supported by fresh evidence or specify procedural errors that occurred during the IDC meeting. Clear outline of the request may enhance its validity by establishing a solid reason for review. However, refusal to meet with the FAP-C case manager prior to the IDC or providing information that was previously withheld from the case manager does not constitute ‘new information.’ It is the responsibility of the requestor and their commander to ensure the treatment plan developed by the FAP-C is adhered to. Reconsideration request is not a reason to suspend nor delay treatment.
Requestors must submit their request in writing utilizing the format outlined in Annex H. Requests that do not adhere to this format will not be submitted to the garrison commander and returned to the requestor. If a requestor had several incidents at the IDC, a separate request for each incident is required. Requests and supporting documentation must be emailed to the Fort Moore FAPM beatriz.e.seales-tealdi.civ@army.mil, within 30 calendar days of the requestor being notified of the outcome of their case.
The Army’s Domestic Abuse Victim Advocacy Program provides comprehensive assistance and support to victims of domestic abuse, including crisis intervention, risk assessment, safety planning, assistance securing medical treatment, information on legal rights and proceedings, and referrals to military and civilian shelters and other resources available to victims. Child advocacy services are provided to non-offending parent/guardians of children when directed by the FAP or by a judge.
What is a Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate (DAVA)? Domestic Abuse Victim Advocates (DAVAs) are trained professionals who provide non-clinical advocacy services and support to Soldiers and Family members experiencing domestic abuse. DAVAs are on call 24/7 to provide immediate assistance, safety planning, non-judgmental support, and information on available resources.
What is Domestic Abuse? Domestic abuse is a pattern of behavior resulting in emotional/psychological harm, economic control, and/or interference with personal liberty. The abuser could be a current or former spouse, someone you share a child with, or a current or former intimate partner you’ve shared a home with. Domestic abuse is a crime. So is violating a protective order.
Domestic Abuse Victim Advocates can
How to Keep Yourself Safe: You can take steps to keep yourself and your children safe, and you can prepare to leave an abusive partner. Here are things to consider.
What Should I Do If I Am Thinking About Leaving My Abusive Partner?
Reporting Options: The Army is fully committed to ensuring victims of domestic abuse are protected; treated with dignity and respect; and provided support, advocacy and care. The Army strongly supports effective command awareness and prevention programs, and holding offenders accountable.
There are two types of reporting options: Restricted Reporting and Unrestricted Reporting. Personnel should report all suspected cases of domestic abuse promptly, which quickly activates victim services and accountability actions. However, we understand things might not always work that way. Victims might need medical attention or victim services without command or a law enforcement response. Therefore, the Army has implemented a Restricted Reporting Option for victims to confidentially disclose allegations of abuse and receive needed medical treatment and services.
Restricted Reporting: Allows someone who meets VAP criteria and who is experiencing violence in his/her relationship to confidentially disclose the abuse to a Victim Advocate, a Victim Advocate Supervisor, or a Healthcare Provider. When an individual chooses a restricted report, law enforcement is not involved and there is no investigation of the abuse. In addition, the Soldier’s Command is not notified of the abuse and is unable to offer assistance and protection.
The restricted reporting option allows an individual to receive medical treatment, advocacy services and clinical and pastoral counseling. This option allows one to receive needed services, control the release of his/her personal information, and time to consider his/her options.
Under this reporting option, the offender is not held accountable and the abuse may continue. If an assessment reveals a high risk for future injury, a restricted report may not be granted.
Unrestricted Reporting: Victims of domestic abuse who want to pursue an official investigation of an incident should report the abuse to law enforcement, or the alleged offender’s Commander. The unrestricted reporting option provides a victim with the widest array of services available including but not limited to command involvement, law enforcement involvement, medical treatment, advocacy services, and counseling services.
Not all incidents of domestic abuse are the same, and each person who experiences domestic abuse handles the situation differently.
Command Response: Commanders play an integral part in ensuring the safety, health, and well being of our Army Families. Commanders who learn of an incident of domestic abuse are required to notify law enforcement.
Victim’s Rights
Safety Planning: A violent relationship puts you and your children at risk for injury and even death. Developing a safety plan tailored to meet the needs of your family will enable you get out of a potentially dangerous situation. If your children are old enough, mature enough, or even responsible enough to assist you during a violent or potentially violent episode of domestic abuse, you may consider including them in your plan to keep everyone safe. A good safety plan considers which steps to take if you choose to stay in the relationship or if you choose to leave.
Here are some tips during the explosive phase of domestic abuse:
Develop a Safety Plan
Protection Orders
Military Protection Orders (MPO): Unit Commanders may issue a Military Protective Order (MPO) to ensure the safety of service members, family members, and other individuals from the threat of domestic violence. An MPO is a written lawful order issued by a commander that orders a Soldier to avoid contact with his or her spouse or children. The commander should provide a written copy of the order within 24 hours of its issuance to the protected person, the Military Police and civilian law enforcement. An individual should report violations of the MPO to law enforcement.
Civilian Protection Orders (CPO): A Civilian Order of Protection is an order signed by a Judge that directs an individual to stop abusing, stalking, harassing and/or committing acts of sexual violence against an individual. An individual may file a CPO against current or former spouse, someone that an individual shares a child in common, an individual with whom you have shared a residence with, someone related to you by blood or marriage or someone with whom you have dated or had intimate relations.
National Resources
Victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse have round-the-clock access to services, including emergency assistance, information, referrals, and ongoing support in accessing medical, behavioral health, legal, and law enforcement services on and off garrisons. Victim Advocates will discuss the option of restricted and unrestricted reports.
Domestic Violence Hotlines: All Army installations have a 24/7 Family Advocacy Program (FAP) Domestic Abuse Victim Advocacy Hotline.
Training Video Links
Click on each event to see the training video.
The Victim Advocacy Program (VAP) provides emergency and follow-up support services to adult victims of domestic abuse. Advocacy services are available to Service members, their current or former spouses, an individual with whom the Service member shares a child, and significant others of Service members who live together. Our services are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Our trained professionals are here for crisis response, information on reporting options, medical treatment options, law enforcement’s response, emergency services, safety planning, obtaining military and civilian protective orders, and accompaniment to medical forensic exams and medical appointments, as well as accompaniment to court for orders of protection hearings and trials. Advocates work closely with their civilian counterparts and ensure a personal and smooth transition for victims who do not qualify for ongoing advocacy services within the military community.
If you need help or want more information, contact the Victim Advocacy Program Manager at your local Army Community Service Center.
What is partner abuse? Partner abuse is pattern of behavior resulting in emotional or psychological abuse, economic control or interference with personal liberty. Spouse or partner abuse can include something as obvious as a slap or a hit, but also includes less noticeable controlling, threatening or emotionally abusive behaviors. No one should stay in a relationship where he or she is being physically or emotionally abused by a partner or spouse.
I suspect my friend is a victim? What should I do? Please encourage your friend to seek professional help through the Family Advocacy Program. Do not attempt to resolve the situation by yourself. Domestic violence is a very complex and dangerous issue.
What about my privacy? The military is committed to protecting the victim’s privacy. Depending on the severity of the situation, a victim has a reasonable expectation of confidentiality if he or she first contacts a victim advocate or health care provider at one of the on-post clinics or Martin Army Community Hospital. In cases where there is an obvious danger or imminent threat of harm, or in the case of child abuse, a care provider may have to notify others to ensure the safety of all persons involved. Abuse victims worried about their privacy can call for assistance and remain anonymous until they feel comfortable about their options.
Is there help for the abuser? Many spouses would like to find help for their abusive partner, and the abuser may welcome it. Marriage or couples counseling is often not a good choice, but there are other very good options, including support groups or counseling designed specifically for abusers.
What is the commander's role? Commanders and other leaders are required to report, to seek help for all parties involved and to help ensure safety to the fullest extent possible. Commanders and the military or local police may document the abuse, arrest the offender, secure a military or civilian no-contact/protective order for the victim, find legal assistance and order the offender into treatment. Although commanders are concerned about the safety of families in their units, they cannot help if they don’t know there is a problem. Out of fear that a report will damage a Soldier’s career, victims may not come forward unless they are provided an option to keep their situation completely private.
How are children affected by domestic abuse? Children usually know something is not right, even if they haven’t witnessed violence. They may show different reactions according to their age. Most offenders have learned their behavior from growing up in an abusive home of their own. Younger children may blame themselves and feel guilt, shame and anxiety. They may become withdrawn, less talkative, and they may exhibit regressed behaviors such as clinging and whining. Difficulties eating and sleeping, concentration problems and physical complaints (e.g., headaches) may also occur.
Ways to report:
Shelters: There is a shelter available in the community for female victims of abuse and their children. Victims who fear the loss of income if a Soldier is arrested or kicked out of the Army may take comfort in knowing that the military has programs that may offer financial support. FAP contracts with the Crisis Center of Russell County, Ala., and Columbus Hope Harbour to provide a Georgia 24-hour hotline +1(800) 334-2836 or Alabama 24hr hotline, + 1(800) 650-6522 .
Do you suspect child abuse or neglect?
If you suspect that a child is being neglected or abused contact..
Prevention Programs: Strengthening and stabilizing intimate relationships is one approach to preventing marital distress and abuse. Spouse abuse prevention programs help develop communication, decision making and conflict resolution skills. Strategies may include educational programs and interactive workshops on communication, conflict resolution, assertiveness, stress management and marital enrichment, as well as programs for children who witness violence. Programs for single Soldiers and adolescents teach similar topics such as relationship skills, dating, violence awareness and sexual harassment.
Command Education Program: Within 45 days of taking command, commanders at all levels will receive a briefing on the FAP and Sexual Assault Program. Information will be provided on policies, procedures, available resources, command responsibilities in the areas of identification, reporting, coordination, rehabilitation, and administrative or judicial options.
Troop Education: Mandatory classes are provided annually on the dynamics of spouse and child abuse, the availability of treatment and the Army’s policies regarding family violence.
Education for Professionals: The FAP provides training to mental health professionals on a variety of topics affecting Families, teens and children. Visit our Facebook page to learn about on-going trainings.
Safety Education Programs: There are two target groups for safety education. The first target group is composed of parents, teachers, caregivers and all concerned adults who need information about how to protect children and communicate with them about child abuse. The second target group, children and teens, need programs and activities geared to their ability to understand and act on safety and exploitation issues including child abuse. Education programs should help children develop skills to protect themselves against abuse. These programs may include other community efforts such as finger printing and neighborhood safe house programs.
Family Life Education: This is education focusing on enrichment programs that provide knowledge, social relationship skills and support throughout the family life cycle. The goal is to improve life management and family coping skills, enhance self-esteem, and improve communication skills and marital relationships. Family life education overlaps with spouse and child abuse prevention programming and is often shared with the chapel and other installation agencies.
Parent Education Program: This program involves education that is designed to enhance parenting and child management skills. Parent education and support groups may be combined to provide a forum for parents to exchange ideas, information and resources and to practice new behaviors. The program also may reinforce or teach basic skills in physical care, protection, supervision and psychological nurturing appropriate to a child’s age and stage of development.
Respite care is temporary child care for the purpose of relieving parental stress and to provide a nurturing and developmentally appropriate environment. Families may receive respite care when both Soldier and spouse attend parenting classes, counseling, support groups, or are experiencing stress from deployment related or family issues. Respite care will not be used in place of foster care or abandoned children.
First Steps Program
A primary prevention program that provides emotional support, parenting education, referrals to community resources, and follow-up contact to parents with newborns. The program activities include screenings, information and referral, clinic and hospital visits, respite support and other services as needed.
Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program
The SHARP Program’s mission is to reduce with an aim toward eliminating sexual offenses within the Army through cultural change, prevention, intervention, investigation, accountability, advocacy/response, assessment, and training to sustain the All-Volunteer Force.
SHARP provides crisis intervention and support services to victims of sexual assault, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Trained victim advocates provide a helping hand through support, critical information and referrals for services on post and in the community. Advocates assist survivors in determining what they wish to do and where to get help, whether they choose to report the assault or not. They accompany survivors to medical visits, court proceedings and other appointments as requested. The SHARP also provides education and awareness trainings to active duty members, family members, DOD civilians and contract personnel on how to stay safe and what to do if assault occurred.
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator & Victim Advocate: Sexual Assault Response Coordinator & Victim Advocate: Sexual Assault Response Coordinators and Victim Advocates are vital to the success of the SHARP Program in preventing sexual harassment and sexual assault. SARCs and VAs provide mandatory training to Soldiers, Command, and Department of the Army Civilians. SARCs and VAs provide well-coordinated and highly responsive advocacy 24 hours per day/7 days per week both in Garrison and deployed environments. SARCs and VAs ensure that victims are aware of the reporting options (Restricted and Unrestricted) and provide support through the trauma of sexual harassment and/or sexual assault. Persons can reach a SARC or VA 24/7 via the Fort Benning SHARP hotline at +1 (706) 566-7393 .
What is sexual harassment? What is sexual assault? Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature between the same or opposite genders. For military personnel, the working environment pertains 24/7, on or off post, and on or off duty.
Intentional sexual contact characterized by use of force, threats, intimidation, or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent. Sexual assault includes rape, forcible sodomy (oral or anal sex), and other unwanted sexual contact that is aggravated, abusive, or wrongful (including unwanted and inappropriate sexual contact), or attempts to commit these acts. [Source: Glossary, DoD 6495.01, 23 Jan 12]
Consent is not given when a person uses force, threat of force, coercion or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated or unconscious.
Sexual assault can occur without regard to gender, spousal relationship or age of victim.
I've been assaulted. What should I do? Go to a safe location away from the perpetrator. Preserve all evidence of the assault. Do not bathe, wash your hands or brush your teeth. If you are still where the crime occurred, do not clean, or straighten up, or remove anything from the crime scene. Contact a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) or Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Victim Advocate (SAPR VA).
Fort Benning SHARP HOTLINE: +1 (706) 566-7393 . Contact DoD Safe Helpline for live, one-on-one support and information. The service is confidential, anonymous, secure, and available worldwide, 24/7 by click, call or text – providing victims with the help they need anytime, anywhere: Safe Helpline: +1 (877) 995-5247 or www.SafeHelpline.org.
Seek medical care as soon as possible. Even if you do not have any visible physical injuries, you may be at risk of becoming pregnant or acquiring a sexually transmitted disease. Ask the health care personnel to conduct a sexual assault forensic examination to preserve forensic evidence. If you suspect you have been drugged, request that a urine sample be collected. Write down, tape or record by any other means all the details you can recall about the assault and your assailant.
What is the Reporting Procedure for Sexual Harassment?
Fort Benning EEO Office: +1 (706) 545-1872
The Army affords Soldiers and Adult Family Member victims of sexual assault with two reporting options: (HQDA EXORD 221-12 2012: Restricted report options were extended to Adult Dependent Family Members assaulted by someone other than a spouse or intimate partner.)
Restricted: Sexual assault victims who want to confidentially disclose a sexual assault without triggering an official investigation can contact a SARC/SHARP Specialist, VA/SHARP Specialist, or a healthcare provider. By filing a restricted report with a SARC/SHARP Specialist, VA/SHARP Specialist, or a healthcare provider, a victim can disclose the sexual assault without triggering an official investigation AND receive medical treatment, advocacy services, legal assistance, and counseling. Victim conversations with a SARC/SHARP Specialist or VA/ SHARP Specialist about the sexual assault are confidential communications, not to be disclosed to others, including law enforcement or the chain of command, except in a few very rare circumstances.
Discussing a sexual assault with a chaplain is not the same as filing a restricted report, but communications with a chaplain are privileged under Military Rule of Evidence 503 and
AR 165-1.
Unrestricted: This option is for victims of sexual assault who desire medical treatment, counseling, legal assistance, SARC/SHARP Specialist and VA/SHARP Specialist assistance, and an official investigation of the crime. When selecting unrestricted reporting, you may report the incident to the SARC/SHARP Specialist or VA/SHARP Specialist, request healthcare providers to notify law enforcement, contact law enforcement yourself, or use current reporting channels, e.g., chain of command. Upon notification of a reported sexual assault, the SARC/SHARP Specialist will immediately assign a VA/SHARP Specialist. You will also be advised of your right to access to legal assistance that is separate from prosecution resources. At the victim’s discretion/request, the healthcare provider shall conduct a sexual assault forensic examination (SAFE), which may include the collection of evidence. Details regarding the incident will be limited to only those personnel who have a legitimate need to know.
Who can make a restricted report? Restricted reporting is available to military personnel, active duty, Reserve and National Guard, provided they are performing federal duty and their adult dependent family members.
New Parent Support ProgramThe New Parent Support Program (NPSP) is a program offered to Army Families to enhance parent and infant attachment, increase knowledge of child development, and provide connections to support services that allow parents to become nurturing and capable caregivers.
The NPSP staff consists of registered nurses and a licensed social worker who provide in-home parenting education, support, and resource linkage. NPSP targets all Families with children 3 years of age and younger. Program entry may occur by self-referral, referral by a health professional, or by the Command. The program activities include risk assessments, home visits, provision of health and child development services, clinic and hospital visits, respite support, parenting classes and other concrete services as needed.
You don’t have to be a new parent to participate. Expectant parents are eligible for NPSP services.
What can NPSP do for me?
Supervision of children per MCoE Regulation 210-5 – found on page 4 at MCoE Reg 210-5.pdf (army.mil)
Child Safety Tips: