Geographies of interconnections focuses on investigating how people, through their choices and actions, are connected to places throughout the world in a wide variety of ways, and how these connections help to make and change places and their environments. See Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) for Geography curriculum and resources.
The following resources are relevant to this Victorian Curriculum unit :
- ABC Education -- Geography Teaching resources
- ABC Landline -- Shows typically feature stories, ranging across agri-politics and economics, business and product innovation, animal and crop science, regional infrastructure, climate and weather trends, regional and rural services, music and lifestyle.
- Asia Education Foundation Resources
- Shanghai - a city on the move
- South Korea - creating a sustainable giant
- Alex Lyne Fieldwork Award Entries: Secondary -- Available to members of the GTAV only
- Fieldwork Initiative Map
- GTAV Fieldwork series -- tailored to VC comprising advice on carrying out fieldwork and samples
- Keynote presentation notes
- Workshop Presentation notes
- Teacher Resource -- Fieldwork module
- Student resources -- From Ship to Shop interactive activity
Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria ABN 65 550 382 751
PO Box 2066, Camberwell West, Victoria 3124, Australia
+ 61 3 9824 8355
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