These are income-tested, portable housing benefits paid directly to eligible households.
The Central Housing Registry - Windsor Essex County (CHR) maintains a centralized waiting list for most social housing providers in Windsor and Essex County.
Individuals or households seeking subsidized housing can apply. Eligibility will be determined by the Central Housing Registry – Windsor Essex County.
This is a free service.
Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation (CHC) continues to provide the centralized wait list function, on behalf of the Service Manager, through the Central Housing Registry – Windsor Essex County.
CHR determines eligibility for rent-geared-to-income (RGI) housing.
Your application will not be considered for eligibility if the application form is incomplete or if documents are missing.
CHR does not make offers of accommodation or provide emergency housing but can provide information about transitional housing or shelters in the area.
Phone: 519-254-6994
Fax: 519-254-9166
Open Monday to Friday, 8:30AM - 4:00PM
Closed daily between Noon and 1PM.
Phone: 519-776-4631
Fax: 519-776-5510
Open Monday to Friday, 8:30AM - 4:00PM
Closed daily between Noon and 1PM.
Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation for Central Housing Registry Windsor-Essex County - ©2024
519-254-6994 | 2470 Dougall Avenue, Unit 6 | Windsor, ON, Canada | N8X 1T2
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