Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines


Canada’s new Physical Activity Guidelines, developed by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), are an excellent resource to help you make wise choices about physical activity. Choices that will improve your health, help prevent disease, and allow you to get the most out of life. Get active your way…at home, at work, at school, at play and on the way…everyday!! Click here to find out where you can get Physical Activity Guides for adults, older adults, children and youth

Canada's Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living for Older Adults is based on sound scientific research and was produced with direct input from a panel of internationally-recognized academic advisors. In addition, an Advisory Committee comprised of older adults and representatives of seniors' and active living organizations oversaw the development of the Guide. A prototype was focus-tested with older adults and health providers and over 70 organizations with wide ranging expertise in issues facing older adults were consulted in the Guide's development.

The Older Adult Guide was officially launched to the general public on May 12, 1999 in Toronto at the Metro Central YMCA.

The release of the Older Adult Guide coincides with the United Nations declaration of 1999 as the International Year of Older Person (IYOP), recognizing the increasing proportion of older adults in the world's population and the special significance of this unique demographic shift.

Both the Guide and its companion Handbook are colourful, lively and easy to read. A rainbow of activities is presented to help you choose activities that are right for you. The Guide serves as a road map for older adults - explaining why physical activity is important, offering tips, and easy ways to increase your level of physical activity, and stating how much is needed to maintain good health and improved quality of living later in life. The Handbook also provides lots of tips and suggestions to help you get started, encouraging you to start slowly and build up as your health improves.

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